MEC Welcomes Four New Employees Upon MPTC Boot Camp Graduations

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Weld Camp Graduates Photo

Recently, four MEC Employee Shareholders were hired on as a result of the Moraine Park Technical College Boot Camps: two CNC machinists and two welders. Welcome, Carissa, Ryan, Jeremiah and Amy! 

These four started their training in early fall 2018 at MPTC and came to MEC once per week to work with mentors and trainers. During this time, they showed their strong work ethic and their ability and willingness to learn. At the end of their training, they worked every day for two weeks with mentors to get into the routine of working in production at MEC. They have since been hired as MEC employees and we are excited to have them on our team!

Special thanks to the trainers on the Weld Engineering Team and to our mentors and supervisors in the CNC Machining and Weld Departments for making this possible!